Healthy Living

Healthy Habits

If feasible, we would like to develop one of the largest archives of content about healthy practices. We intend to collect this knowledge from a variety of sources, including research portals, libraries, movies, documentaries, journals, and diaries. This information will be saved and shared with both the general public and future generations.



The information we want to collect is different. Our main focus is on habits. These appear in a variety of shapes and are endless. Though we have broken down the categories into five, which are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and productivity in general.

People having a discussion together.

Although this is a large project with many factors to consider, we believe it is achievable as it is a project for and by the people.

People do not decide their future. They decide their habits and their habits decide the future.

F.M. Alexander

How can we help?

We are here to assist you with any questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This project is available to everyone interested in healthy behaviors.

How can I join?

You can participate as a speaker who can teach us or as an attendee who is merely there to learn.

What are the main topics for discussion?

There is a wide range of topics that can be covered. Though they must fall into one of the following classifications: productivity, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual wellness.

Do I have to be a medical personal to contribute?

No. You only need experience and facts to participate. The key is to have thoroughly researched your issue and have references or real-life examples to back it up.

How can we help you?

We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.